
The work produced for the Ephemera series was created for a site-specific exhibition at the Inchmore Gallery, near Inverness. The work comprised of 2 and 3D wall and floor pieces  and explored many re-occuring themes and concepts. These include; knowledge and understanding, education and childhood, truth, secrecy, history, and memory.


Sticks and stones, a floor piece comprising of 100 red cloth bound books, is based on the childhood rhyme and as such is concerned with conformity, schooling and bullying. Each book has an insert of either, slate, a pebble or a twig.

The wall pieces, a series of panels constructed using a mixture of several layers of plaster and filler have various substances added to stain and colour the surface, these range from paint and pigment, to more unusual materials, such as soot, sand and rust. Each piece has been thoroughly worked and re-worked to reveal a richly layered and intricately patterned surface. Although there is no direct subject matter in these works, there are references to a wide range of sources, both natural and man-made. These include cave art, rock glyphs and graffiti, in addition to fossils, rocks and minerals. All of these help to give the work a sense of time and implied history.
